Provide leadership and high quality services in processes, regulations, interagency collaboration, data systems, fiscal responsibility and evaluation, that enhance the success of educational systems in Nebraska.
Provide educational equity through the intentional allocation of resources and opportunities, according to need, which requires that discriminatory practices, prejudices, and beliefs be identified and eradicated.
Engage policy partners and stakeholders in the development of policies, regulations, and practices to ensure equitable opportunities for all Nebraskans.
Measures of Progress:
Measure 1.A.1. Organize the NDE through personnel and processes to provide leadership in school support systems, regulations, interagency collaboration, data systems, fiscal responsibility, and evaluation that will enhance the success of educational systems in Nebraska, by 2020 [original 1.1].
Measure 1.A.2. Implement an evaluation framework to measure the quality of services and systems of support provided by the Nebraska Department of Education, by 2020 [original 1.2].
Measure 1.A.3. Develop and maintain a professional learning directory to include high-quality professional learning opportunities for teachers, service providers, school leaders, and local school board members, by 2020 [original 1.3].
Measure 1.A.4. Collaborate with the Governor, Legislature, postsecondary institutions, and the Educational Service Units (ESUs) to create a uniform process to align dual credit opportunities for students across the state, by 2020 [original 1.4].
Measure 1.B.1. Create an equity lens for use by the State Board of Education that provides a common vocabulary and protocol for decision-making and evaluation of progress toward systematic equity transformation, by 2019.
Measure 1.C.1. Develop and implement an adaptive equity plan that will ensure equity is a key focus in NDE policies, practices, and organizational culture, by 2022 [original 7.1].