In order to support the goals of the Strategic Plan, a suite of approaches is utilized that reflects the nuance of the work and the many stakeholders, systems, and partners that intersect to support a state education system. The various roles are:

NDE actively leads the strategic vision, goals, and policy direction to support learning, earning, and living by:
- Engaging key stakeholders and partners on emerging needs in the educational landscape and corresponding policy advocacy approach
- Exercising policy leadership and proactively engaging and partnering with the Unicameral and Governor on priority issues
- Advocating for necessary resources to meet needs and/or address issues to execute the vision

NDE leverages policy authority to ensure delivery of high quality, equitable education and services, beyond compliance with state and federal regulations by:
- Assuring access to fair, equitable, and high quality education and services
- Monitoring school and districts to ensure adherence to regulations and setting expectations beyond compliance for accountability and growth in learning
- Promoting best practices for leadership and using data and resources to ensure effective continuous improvement

NDE directs technical assistance and professional development opportunities and promotes the sharing of best practices by:
- Providing technical assistance and professional development opportunities for educators, staff, and community providers
- Actively engaging with priority and needs improvement schools as well as continuing to support the improvement of all schools
- Identifying schools and districts across the state with effective educational practices to gather data on successful practices
- Acting as a facilitator to connect schools to highlight learnings, share lessons learned, and communicate best practices
- Developing, maintaining, and leveraging strong working relationships with education and community partners to extend and enhance capacity across the state

NDE helps bridge the divide between learning, earning, and living, connecting schools, families, businesses, and communities by:
- Connecting, convening, and partnering with schools, businesses, out-of-school programs, postsecondary education, state agencies, and community providers to create a more comprehensive approach to education and service delivery
- Supporting other agencies and organizations in active engagement and relationship building amongst individuals, parents, and families

NDE explores and supports promising new innovations by:
- Researching, promoting, and providing support for promising new initiatives and innovations in education across the state and nation (e.g., promising activities in rural areas, blended learning, personalized learning, adult basic education)
- Providing ongoing training, support, and resources to drive the adoption of new practices and to assure implementation