Use assessments to measure, to improve student achievement, and to inform instruction.
Measures of Progress:
Measure 3.B.1. Utilizing baseline data from the ACT, long-term goals will be developed for 11th grade achievement, including goals for subgroups, by 2018 [original 6.1].
Measure 3.B.2. Implement a balanced assessment system to measure achievement and growth in grades 3–8 that meets the requirements of federal and state law and is timely for instructional purposes, by 2020 [original 6.2].
Aspirational Measures of Success:
Measure TLS.2. The percent of Nebraska students in grades 3–8 and 11 proficient in reading will increase from 79% to 89%, by 2026 [original 6.3].
Measure TLS.3. The percent of Nebraska students in grades 3–8 and 11 proficient in math will increase from 72% to 82%, by 2026 [original 6.4].
Measure TLS.4. The percent of Nebraska students in grades 3–8 and 11 proficient in science will increase from 72% to 82%, by 2026 [original 6.5].